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We Cookiers Express, Issue #001 -- May 02, 2021 |
Welcome! This is the very first edition of We Cookiers Express Newsletter. I am excited to get this underway while we have loads of fun building our relationship! By the way, if you missed the first free download when you signed up, you can get it here. Today's Highlights1. cookie cutter flips 2. another free download 3. business sense 4. quick business tipsCookie Cutter FlipsHere's some delightful inspiration for you. There's no end to cookie cutter flips. They are all around the internet. This section will be included in each newsletter because of there popularity.I just love creative people, don't you? Please note, not near all I include in this section are my own ideas, but they are my own decorated cookies (if you have an email with just html, you will not be able to see the photos). -baby rattle cutter flipped to be a clock or balloon -snowflake cutter flipped to a poinsetta -unicorn head cutter flipped to a horse head Click here for the newest page, Cookie Decorating Techniques This page includes 13 techniques to stay on top of your game! Want to see more techniques? I would be happy to oblige. Just let me know via the form on this page. ![]() Another Free Download!Love gifts? Who doesn't?Early on you want to start organizing if you plan to sell your beautiful decorated sugar cookies. To get you streamlined from the start, I've made up this handy download. Just print and copy as many as you like, then place in a notebook so you'll never double up on cutters. Click this link for your "My Cookie Cutters" printout. This is a special gift to the We Cookiers, those who have signed up for The We Cookiers Express newsletter. Business Sense: marketing yourselfHere are 5 ways to get your name in front of the public...1. A facebook business page is a must. Not only are you telling your friends about your new exciting profession, but you can post to thousands of people via the marketplace and groups. 2. Give free cookies to key community players like realtors, teachers, firemen, banks, police department. Don't forget to include your business cards. 3. When you go to the store or library, leave a business card/flyer on a shelf or two. Someone is sure to pick it up. Don't overdo this though. 4. Don't be shy! Strike up a conversation with people and hand them a postcard size business card instead. Typical 2" x 3" cards are easily tossed or lost. A postcard size people will hold on to. Bookmarks of your business works the same way. 5. Donate cookies to local fundraisers, like 4-H, animal shelters, etc. Include your business label and/or card. There will be more marketing and business tips in each newsletter. Quick Business Tips1.Never undersell your competition to get more customers. Two things will happen. a.) you will make enemies from your competitors b.) you will burn yourself out doing more orders which takes much more time AND your customers will take advantage of you.2. Know your worth. You are an ARTIST not a cookie decorator. That wraps it up for this newsletter. I sincerely hope you have found it quite useful and informative, that's my goal. Until next time, enjoy cookieing. I look very forward to meeting you again the first week next month. "Find who you are and live it."-Pepper Blair Pepper Blair on Pinterest |
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