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WeCookier’s Express #0013 Get a wiggle on! June 01, 2022 |
Get a wiggle on...Father's Day is coming fast!Father’s Day decorated cookies. A big shout-out to the dads. Margaret Truman said (and I fully agree): “It’s only when you grow up and step back from him–or leave him for your own home–it’s only then that you can measure his greatness and fully appreciate it.” What is summertime without dads? The fun they give. The barbeques. The memories…oh the memories! Summer and Dad. They just got together, right? I've blended Father's Day and the summer cookies together. Since they are only 5 days apart, it is a nice fit. Today's Highlights1. newest site pages 2. Father's Day cookie cutter flips 3. summer theme cookie inspo 4. business sense 5. quick business tipsNewest Site Pages1. PYO Cookies (paint-your-own cookies)This page gives you 4 ways to make PYO cookies. You know me, I’m always trying to come up with inventive and simple methods never done before! Hope that last one helps! This page also compliments the PYO Cookie Palette page, in case you missed it.Leave a comment explaining the photo or two that you are proud of.
PYO Cookies
Have you made cookie bouquets? I would love to see your creations and tell us about the photos in the comment box on this page! This isn’t a new page, but it is a new item on the WeCookier’s site. I have now included commenting, yay! It’s been a long time coming and promising you, but it finally arrived. Now you can comment, ask questions, and even share your photos! I just ask that you do not post any items that are trademarked or copyrighted, as this could shut down I’m so excited. This will help us greatly correspond with each other without email. Please drop by and introduce yourself. I look forward to getting to know you better and putting a face with a name. Father's Day Cookie Cutter FlipsThese aren't officially flips, but using the rectangle. The only one that I came up with is the dog tag necklance. Hope you find them inspiring anyhow!1. rectangle to a suit 2. rectangle to a shirt and tie 3. rectangle to an elegant dog tag necklace (Sorry, if you have an email with just HTML, you will not be able to see the photos). ![]() Summer Theme Cookie Inspo![]() Business Sense: marketing yourself1. Gimme a ‘like’ or ‘subscribe’ and you get a free surprise. This technique always works well, especially when you post it in a group on Facebook.When I first started, I made up 4 DZ cookies and bagged them up. I then made a post that said, “The first 48 people to like my Facebook business page (you do have one, right?), will get a gift. Each of these must be done: -Like this post (that keeps it at the top of the feed) -Like my business page here on Facebook -send me a direct message. When those 4 people respond, edit your post with a thank you message. If it worked well, tell them to watch and you will be doing it again, (if you feel like it). 2. Have a large canvas bag with your company logo and information on it. When you go to the store, drape it over the front of the basket. Sure, you’ll get looks, but that’s the purpose! Be sure to have business cards on hand!
3. Since you have a business Facebook page, utilize podcasting. Podcasts are simply videos engaging your followers regularly. Plan the topics out and outline what you will talk about. Maybe the newest trend in cookie decorating or go over your business ‘how to order’ and what’s expected, etc. People love watching these. Quick Business Tips1. Have you had the experience with a customer sending you an inspo photo and when you tell them the price, they are astounded by how much you charge? What should your reaction be?Of course, the first inclination you feel is usually ‘I feel sick, I’m asking too much'. Don’t do that to yourself! Of course, there’s a limit. If you are good at what you do, know you are worth it. The bottom line is you do not need that customer. Sometimes they are simply trying to get you to come down in price. Some people can be flat rude. To which my reply is, “I’m sorry you are unable to afford a professional cookie artist. Thank you for inquiring. Best of luck to you.” Until next time, Blessings!
2. This tip saves me time. I set bowls out and go through my calendar, setting out all the cutters for each order in each bowl. I place a note in the bowl for directives, like how many of each shape and the total # of cookies. This way I automatically know as I cut how many of each. This helps so I do not have to keep going back to my calendar and Facebook messages.
3. What is your most dreaded job as a cookier? Hands down, most will say the agonizing job of washing the tips. I go tip-less where I can, but there are still those like ruffles and stars that need washing. I rinse off the tips and place them in a glass bowl with hot water and soap. I let them sit overnight or throughout the day. The icing will be off of them and I pretty much just need to rinse them. Easy-peasy! Have you been making progress? Take a moment to reflect on how far you’ve come. You’re doing great! I’m so proud of you. Keep up the hard work. Pepper’s quote: “If you make the most of your decisions, time will likely prove you chose right.” Blessings to you.
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