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We Cookiers Express, Issue #0022 A blind squirrel finds a nut! March 02, 2023 |
No blarney about it…For us wecookiers, we are recouping from the holidays, Valentine’s day, and Superbowl (in the US), we are turning our attention to the Emerald Isle. Yes, St. Patrick’s day. There’s always something fun to incorporate with our delicious and artful decorated sugar cookies! FYI: I came down with the parainfluenza, ugh! So I am in bed writing this. I’ll try to make this issue brief for you, yet informative… I just didn't want to have you miss an issue. Today's Highlights1. newest page at 2. your question, my answer 3. cookie cutter flips 4. cookie inspo photo 5. business sense 6. quick business tipsNewest Pages at WeCookiers.comI actually have this page near completion, just working on making the videos for it. I wasn't able to finish it before I got sick. It'll be live shortly though.Russian Piping Tips: We are all aware of the standard Russian piping tips. BUT, what about the mini Russian piping tips? Hmmm? These are by Nifty Nozzles and are only sold in one place in the U.S. I’ve made a video covering their designs and information on them: In case you missed the newest page before... Piping Tips for Cookies: This is a well-requested page that shows all of the main icing tips you need to decorate sugar cookies, along with what designs each on makes. I’ve also made a long-awaited video tutorial. You will see that on the page with a lot of pictures. Click this link:
Piping Tips for Cookies
Your Questions, My AnswerQ: What are different ways to make paint your own cookie palettes? Which way is the best?A: I made an in-depth video testing out 10 methods. Click this link to that page with the video on it: Cookie Cutter FlipsSince I wasn't able to decorate cookies for this issue, we'll leave it blank and pick it back up next time, sorry!
(Sorry, if you have an email with just HTML, you will not be able to see the photos). Cookie InspoI'll share an inspiration photo of one of my favorite cookie sets I've done. Sorry, guys, next month I'll be back on track ;)![]() Business Sense: marketing yourself1 Print off some gold coins with a 4-leaf clover. With a bag and tie, place the ‘gold coin’ (3” in size) with your business card and a coupon. Place them all around town.2 Go to a store and buy some of the less expensive paper coffee cups with lids. Think of items to put in the cups as gifts. Place your business information inside as well. When you are out and about, hand these special gifts out. 3 Print a QR code on the back of a shirt and wear it wherever you go. This code will lead them to your order page. You can get your own QR code online for free. Just search ‘free QR code generator’.
Quick Business Tips1 Are you keeping a planner to stay organized? If you are not, you are missing a great opportunity to stay focused on your business.2 This one is important! After all these years in the cookie business, I’m starting to develop carpal tunnel. My right hand is dominant but it’s in my left wrist. It was curious to me that I use my right by far the most. I realized all this time that when I mix colors, the bowl sets in my left palm. Doing so pushes my left wrist in a twist. As of late, I’m now placing the bowl on the counter. I googled exercises for carpal tunnel and that is helping much. Just take note of this. Perhaps this will help you to prevent it yourself. 3 Take a sheet of paper and place it near your food colors. When you are running low on a color, write down the brand, color, and where you purchase it. Never run out of color again. Blessings to you! Nita
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