Secrets of Cupid's Best and Easy Valentines Day Sugar Cookies

Valentines Day sugar cookies. Shhh…

Here they are, Cupid’s best all-time secrets wrapped up inside one page:

-how to attain that beautiful deep, rich, and red color for decorating sugar cookies

Valentines day sugar cookie...the LOVE cookie with deep red royal icing

-Valentine cookie cutter flips

-enjoy some inspiration to make your Valentines Day sugar cookies extra special (with a video)

-ideas on how to market your sweet sugar cookies

Bagged icing for Valentines day sugar cookies

First, let’s get you that lonely-hearts expert’s best Valentines Day best sugar cookies (recipe). Once you have that secured, hurry and grab his secret sauces, superior royal icing, glaze, or buttercream frosting…also as free downloads. Isn’t he a sweetheart?

Cupid is feeling quite amorous and wanted me to remind you how to bake professional cookies (a real eye-opener) on his best baking sheets (you just might be surprised by these pans).

Deep Red Royal Icing: Cupid’s Passion for Valentines Day Sugar Cookies

The image shows the progression of the development of royal icing turning a deep red after setting covered overnight. The perfect color for Valentine's day sugar cookies!Let royal icing set overnight to fully develop its color.

This is a fun video the little fella with arrows doesn't know I'm sharing with you. Underneath are the written directions.

There is a common question about how to get a beautiful deep red sugar cookie icing. It isn’t some big science. The little matchmaker knows you’ll be smitten with this simple and easy method. No need to use nearly a whole bottle of red food coloring gel either.

Important note: always use food color gel. It is more concentrated than the cheap liquid colors in store box sets. The liquid colors are watered down (unlike Cupid's love potion) and will make the end result not as bright and less of a deep color.

1. Place the amount of royal icing, glaze, or buttercream frosting you want in a bowl.

2. Take a pink food coloring gel, I use Americolor deep pink. For about a 2 cups of royal icing, I use between 8-12 drops of Americolor deep pink.

3. Mix it with a spatula. Not stirring but paddling and folding the icing. Otherwise, you will create bubbles. Though they would be fun for Cupid to pop with his arrow, you will have to set and painstakingly pop them with your scribe.

Add a little water to help mix it together. You should end up with a nice deep pink for your Valentines day sugar cookies. You may need to add a few more drops of the pink gel.

4. After you have achieved the deep pink, take the red, again, Americolor, super red, is what I use. Place about 10-14 drops in the pink icing. Paddle and fold the icing until it’s mixed well.

5. Add some water until you have reached the desired consistency (outline, flood, or stiff).

6. Cover the bowl to make it airtight. Let it set for 8 hours to overnight on the counter to let the true color develop.

There you have the perfect red for your Valentine’s Day sugar cookies.

Cupid will be proud.

*Side note:

I have to admit, though, many times I do not let it set more than a couple of hours and it always turns out right. If you are making custom cookies and need a specific red color, or any color for that means, you certainly need to let the colors develop overnight or the customer may not be happy.

It's an absolute must to share this 2-page download on Royal Icing Tips/hacks. Every professional cookie decorator needs this guide to guard against all kinds of things that could go wrong with royal icing and glaze. Grab it here: Royal Icing Tips

Flirt with these Adorable Valentines Day Cookie Cutter Flips: Fun, and Easy

Click this image to be taken to WeCookier's cookie cutter flips page:

Valentine's Day cookie cutter flips

This was turned into a Valentine's hot air balloon. I thought Pepper Blair's poem underneath the photo fit sweetly with the cookie!

V-day hot air balloon decorated sugar cookie with royal icing
Jupiter's Moon poem by author Pepper Blair fits sweetly with the Valentine's hot air balloon cookie.

a cloud cookie cutter—simple and oh-so-sweet love birds on highline wires...

Love birds on highline wires, decorated sugar cookie idea

double hearts—a box of chocolates for your sweetheart...

Valentines day sugar cookie flip: double hearts turned into a chocolate box

Valentines Day sugar cookies that puts Cupid in a love trance

All cookiers love inspirational videos and photos. We thrive on them, do we not?

This is a 3-piece large cookie gift set I did presales on this year in my area.

Imagine these delightful morsels in a cookie bouquet...

Valentine's day sugar cookies that are extra large and sold in a set of 3.

This photo is of the regular-sized cookies I sold by the dozen as well this year.

Valentine's day sugar cookies. Used for inspiration. Sold as a dz set.

Here is a video I made showing many of these cookies...

For loads more ideas to stir your creative juices, click on Sugar Cookie Decorating Ideas or Sugar Cookie Techniques.

If you are toying with getting a projector for your cookies, click on this image Projector for Cookies to read my pros and cons on the one I’ve had for 4 years now. It’s a jewel and I love it...just in time for your Valentines day sugar cookies! (Update: 5 years now. Wow, time flies!)

Image link to Projector for Cookies.

Some cookiers have incorporated selling less expensive cookies in a box with decorated ones. It makes sense with this high inflation, though I personally am still on the fence about it.

Delightful Valentines Day sugar cookies: How to sell them and make admiring customers happy

Here are some great marketing tips.

That’s right. After all the work of making, baking, and decorating these sweet and delicious treats, we still have to (unfortunately) market them to sell. Hey, no worries, I have some great ideas…

  • If you are relatively new as a sugar cookie artist, word-of-mouth is the best. You simply need a Facebook business page. Make a post on group pages (that allow baking items) and on the Marketplace. This opens the door to thousands of people to see you. Always link to your page.

  • Have a pop-up stand on your porch for a selected 2-hour period on a certain day to sell your Valentines day sugar cookies. The 2-hour period gives them a sense of urgency. Remember to post lots of Valentine’s Day sugar cookies on your FB page several times before the sale.

  • Ask a local business if you can set up a table of cookies to draw more customers to their store.

If you have edible images on sugar cookies, or you are airbrushing on sugar cookies, this is more expense and time on you. You need to be paid accordingly! Go here to see how to price for decorated sugar cookies.

If you like the above marketing ideas, be sure to sign up for the WeCookiers Express monthly newsletter. I always include golden nuggets on how you can market your products for little or no money. You will also find a question/answer section along with periodic freebies and so much more!

Did I mention it is FREE to sign up and be a free WeCookier member? I would love to take you by the hand and show you everything I know that has given me success! Learn more about the periodical I write, and especially your gift for joining us.

-OR- go straight to be a WeCookier with the free gift by entering just your email and ticking the 2 boxes, you'll be in like Flynn (I mean Cupid):

It won't be long and graduations will be here. Prepare with these cookie inspirations and videos: click on image below

Thumbnail Graduation Sugar Cookies link image

Then there will be Father's Day and the 4th of July to follow...

Father's Day Cookie Ideas, image link
4th of July Cookies, image link

Top of Valentine's Day Sugar Cookies

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