More cookie decorating techniques? Yes! You hit the extra jackpot!

Cookie Decorating Techniques

Cookie decorating techniques are always interesting to learn but can sometimes be frustrating without the right tutorial.

The first thing to remember is what Author Pepper Blair said:

Inspiring quote by author Pepper Blair" I wouldn't respect a mountain if its summit came easy or quick."

Take it slow and enjoy the journey. The second thing is icing consistency. Learn about that on Royal Icing Flooding.

14+ stunning cookie decorating techniques

If you read my page, How to Make Professional Cookies, that was only half of what it takes.

This is the other half. Of course, no great masterpiece is built on anything less than a perfect foundation. Make sure to have the right recipe here on the Best Sugar Cookies page.

Here are some cookie decorating techniques and sugar Cookie Decorating Ideas. Tap on the links below for a detailed page on each.

The ones without links I am in the process of writing.

Naturally, this page will be an ever-evolving project, so tune in often.

  • Airbrushing Cookies—airbrushing gives such depth to cookies. It immediately takes them from basic to pro status! As you can see, there's a huge difference between basic and airbrushed decorated sugar cookies:
There's a big difference between non-airbrushing and airbrushing sugar cookies. Become a We Cookier to learn even more!
  • Projector for Cookies—as you develop in cookie-ing, this is one little machine you won’t want to be without. Love those beautiful fonts? This is how to achieve them. 

Which one is best? To see the one I use and am happy with, just click on the cookie projector link right above. I go into detail about the pros and cons for you. Oh, they now have a new projector that's cordless for the same price! Woop Woop!

I’ve been a calligrapher for well over 35 years but still love my projector for cookies. You can trace pictures with it too! This is a link to the cookie projector I purchased years ago. It has served me well. I would be lost without it.

*Update: It's now been 6 years that I've been using this baby and it still amazes me. I have since upgraded to the PICO + with bluetooth. See my exhaustive and nonbiased professional review here: PICO Projector Review

Example of decorating technique using a PICO projector. Be a We Cookier to learn more!
  1.  cookie stenciling with royal icing (leaves that lovely raised look)
  2.  stenciling with your airbrush system (see this handy cordless airbrush)
  3. silk-screen cookie stencils
  4. *update: Cookie Stenciling Techniques with spouncing
Another of many cookie decorating techniques is airbrushing with stencils. Learn other kinds of decorating at

What are they? Why do you need them? Troubleshooting and where you can purchase them for cheap!

...or go straight to my shop to see what I offer: WeCookier's shop, Gotta-havs! (under construction)

Royal icing transfers image
  • cross-stitch cookies—out of all the cookie decorating techniques, this one is probably the most tedium. You first need some flexible edible fabric that you place on a grid mat then cut that to size and place on the cookie. 

Next, you count the little squares and place dots in the respective squares to form your cross-stitch pattern. Though this takes time, it is well worth the effort!

Guess what? I thought up a great idea so it's much easier. (The link for the cross-stitch cookie will come as soon as possible).

  • wet-on-wet technique--one of the easiest cookie decorating forms. You just need to make sure both/all colors you use are the same consistency so one color doesn't pull the other one into it and look faded.
Cookie decorating techniques: wet-on-wet is so simple.My cowprint cookies that went viral on Pinterest!
  • Edible Cookie Images—I don’t think you can get easier than this medium. Buy the images from somewhere or if you have your edible image copier, simply run off the image/font through the copier and place it on the cookie. It adheres with corn syrup. Ta-dah! That simple. Simple or not though, it can make for some astounding-looking cookies

Remember to grab the Best Sugar Cookie Recipe!

Cookie decorating technique, edible images. Something so simple, yet can be very nice. At We Cookiers, you can know all about it.
  • Food Color Markers—these go without saying. Whether using them for fonts or drawing pictures and coloring them in, no decorator wants to be without a set (if not seven sets, lol). You can even get them in white.

On my food color markers page you will find that I did a comparison over 7 food color markers to see which ones rose above. I definitely have a favorite. Go see!

Example of decorating technique using food color markers. Be a We Cookier to learn more!, the black firemen are food color markers!
  • Cookies on a Stick—cookies on a stick can be flower cookies or any other theme. Make your cookies thick enough and push a cake pop or sucker stick in them before baking (or after baking and ‘glue’ the stick on the back with royal icing). Arrange them in a pot or vase and you have a wonderful display.

Definitely view my page, How to Bake Sugar Cookies, for wonderful hints, hacks, and time-saving possibilities!

See my process.

Example of decorating technique: the cookie bouquet using any shape. Be a We Cookier to learn more!
  • PYO Cookies (paint your own cookies)—so many cookie decorating techniques! This one proves to be easy too. Kids and adults love them. They take just an outline of one color. Make your own paint palette and you have a winner!

Here's a link to a 10-method comparison for PYO Cookie Palettes. I created an in-depth video that shows them step-by-step and side-by-side!

  • pressure piping—this technique involves harder and lighter pressure usage of stiff royal icing to form a picture on the cookie.
  • tattoo transfer method--did you know you can make a transfer from acetate using an edible copier? No, not using icing sheets, using the acetate from the icing sheets. Nifty, huh?
  • stamping cookies—stamping on cookies is relatively easy too. You just have to make sure you have a stamp you can see through to make sure the stamped image lines up on the cookie.
  • watercolor sugar cookie—ah, the wonderful world of water coloring on sugar cookies! This is one process that I find very addicting. These were my very first watercolor cookies. That’s right, one try and I took right off. So will you. It's not nearly as hard as you think!
Corgis, decorating sugar cookies. Technique of water coloring with food gel. You can be a We Cookier too!

Additional cookie decorating techniques...

Would you like to know more about decorating sugar cookies with buttercream? Here is the Best Buttercream Frosting recipe in vanilla and chocolate!

I teach almost solely on royal icing. Although I cover other mediums, it is not discussed in great detail here.

Some artists do a fantastic job with buttercream. Leah, at, is one of those gals.

Who am I? Tap photo.

Nita, owner, author, decorator, and photographer of

What's next?

Now that you have some different mediums to decorate with, it's time to see what design each kind of piping tip lays out. This gives you even more advanced practice to being a master cookie artist. 

So now that you have the cookie decorating techniques, let's learn about the icing tips with couplers here: Royal Icing Tips and Russian Piping Tips pages.

Top of Cookie Decorating Techniques 

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