The best sugar cookie recipe is at your fingertips.
What makes the perfect sugar cookie to you?
Is it the velvety texture? Is it the soft thickness? No brown bottoms? Oh, how about the taste that hits every feel good bone in your body?
If so, here is that best sugar cookie recipe below.
This will save you oodles of time and 'sifting' through a great many recipes!
As a primer, be sure to check out this page: How to Make Professional Cookies.
Does starting your own sugar cookie business and selling them excite you? Then you need a solid foundation to build on.
That foundation begins with the best sugar cookie recipe baked the right way.
After all, what good is a masterpiece atop an average or less than average base?
You don't have to necessarily buy name brands or expensive products either.
I have tested name-brand items against store-brand ones.
I prefer some products with store-bought brands.
Two important keys:
Here is the list of ingredients:
· Walmart’s Great Value flour (or Kroger)
· Walmart’s Great Value sugar (or Kroger)
· table salt, usually Great Value
· any brand of eggs
· cream cheese, usually Great Value (or Kroger)
· emulsions, LorAnn
The least expensive way to buy emulsion is by the gallon. Here is a link to the best-tasting emulsion I've found. It's perfect for these sugar cookies! There are a variety of sizes if you do not want to go all in for a gallon!
That’s it? Yep. Super easy!
Wait! What in the world is the 'e' word again? Oh yes, emulsion.
The texture of the emulsion is a thick but pourable solution that is water-based. Since it doesn't have alcohol-like extracts, most of the flavor will stay in during baking.
Extracts have their place in frostings and icings. Though people do use emulsion in them as well. I do not since emulsion is expensive. I choose to use clear pure Mexican vanilla in its stead in royal icing.
This is a good article on the Imperial Sugar website for a close look at using pure vanilla vs imitation.
I purchase Danncy's clear pure Mexican vanilla from Amazon in a pack of 3. The flavor is unbeatable! I heard one cookier say she didn't like it and that it was so strong. It is strong. It tastes a little like almonds even, though it doesn't contain almonds. It just requires using less. Believe me... does NOT disappoint!
This Amazon affiliate image link below is 1/4 of the cost when buying a 4-pack. You can find the single bottles there as well.
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This is a straightforward, no-fuss-no-muss sugar cookie recipe.
Soft, durable, and tasty. Did I mention a wonderfully velvety texture?
Look for yourself…
These photos indicate the thickness and velvety look of these tasty cookies.
There are photos below for a step-by-step process.
Here is the best sugar cookie recipe you’ll find.
This recipe is made available to you through the download link below—FREE.
Nita’s Signature Sugar Cookies
2 sticks (1/2 pound) of real butter, room temperature
4 oz. cream cheese, room temperature
1 whole egg, room temperature
1 ½ c granulated sugar
1 tsp almond emulsion
1 tsp butter-vanilla emulsion
1 tsp salt
3 c flour
This makes roughly 20, 3” cookies.
This is my Superior Royal Icing Recipe that couples deliciously with these sugar cookies! Click to take you to the recipe.
Click this image below for a great sugar cookie glaze recipe as a free download as well:
***If you are comfortable with the recipe and eager to get started decorating, click this image to start the royal icing flooding process.
If you are ready to start pricing your cookies to sell, click this link.
What are the best attributes of this sugar cookie recipe?
*These cookies should be chilled for 15 minutes or overnight. If it is overnight, you will need to let the dough set out for a bit to make it workable or it will be brick-hard.
I have used it with just a few minutes being chilled before you use your cutters. You need it workable but not soft.
Directions (stand mixer or hand mixer)
1. Cream butter and cream cheese together until it looks fluffy and light yellow.
2. Add egg, granulated sugar, and emulsions. Mix just until incorporated.
3. Add the salt and flour. Mix only until the flour is mixed in. Over-mixing could cause tough cookies due to the egg.
4. Spatula it out onto plastic wrap on a table. Form a nice ball. Flatten the ball out to a rectangle or disk shape about an inch high.
It doesn’t matter the height. The more you flatten it out in this soft stage, the less you have to roll it out with your rolling pin. Also, flattening the dough into discs makes them perfect to stack.
5. Wrap it tightly in plastic wrap. I double the plastic wrap if the dough will be in the fridge for more than a couple of days. Place it in the fridge for 15 minutes or overnight.
Step-by-step instructions of how to make the best sugar cookie recipe:
6. When chilled, sift out some flour on your workstation. Place dough on the flour and roll out. I choose to cut them at ¼” thickness. All of my customers just love these thick and soft cookies!
7. Cut out the shapes and place them on these highly-rated affordable cookie sheets.
8. Place the cookie sheet in the freezer. Allow freezing completely to prevent spreading when baked.
9. Preheat the oven to 350⁰.
10. When cookies are frozen, pull them out of the freezer and place them immediately into the oven, yes frozen. Bake for 13 minutes. For a softer cookie yet, remove cookies just before they are finished baking. They will continue to bake after you take them out.
I use Nordic Ware cookie sheets with parchment. When I take them out of the oven, I just leave the cookies to cool on the same pan on my baker’s rack. They never get a browned bottom.
Bonus: saves an extra step!
Make sure they are cooled before you begin making your works of art.
These sugar cookies will last up to 2 weeks easily on the counter in an air-tight container.
Oh—did I say the cookie is delicious without any icing or frosting?
I have customers who prefer just the cookie, they are that good! The cookie itself isn't all that sweet. The sweet royal icing on top levels out the extra sweet taste so double win.
Be sure to tap for my favorite—no-fail—sugar cookie icing recipe, aka: Superior Royal Icing
There you have it. The best sugar cookie recipe.
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Top of Best Sugar Cookie Recipe
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