Free public domain images can be frustrating to find. You often need clipart that you can use without thinking you will get into copyright infringement litigation. Trust me. It happens. I stay faaaar away from it! So how do you find them?
What this page covers:
-why you would need free public domain images
-the resources that are my go-to
-creative ways to use these newfound treasures
Two reasons why you need free public domain images:
1. No matter how much of an artist you are, tracing an image through a projector makes it professional. The congruency through the sugar cookie set makes it so much nicer.
If you buy cute cookie cutters, the artwork can be saved to your computer. This is tremendously handy for using your cookie projector.
2. Faster is the name of the game in the cookie decorating business. Everywhere you can find to chisel time is a must. Having images at your fingertips is much easier than drawing them.
You don't have a projector yet?
Here are some page of interest if you are on the fence about getting one.
Before I tell you what my go-to resources are for images, I feel it a must to elaborate on copyright infringement for your protection.
On Facebook cookie groups and such, there seems to be a division on if you will get into trouble using copyrighted or trademarked work. This would be laughable if it weren't so serious. I am aghast when I read 'go ahead, they'll never catch you' statements. That's plain setting you up to ruin you and your family's entire life!
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"Did you know that infringing a copyright/trademark can land you in prison for up to 5 years? ...Did you know that you can be sued up to $250,000 per offense with court costs (inside a federal court)? ...Did you know, if caught, you will have your entire physical equipment confiscated and you will never be able to do a baking business again?" |
Don't believe me? I'm not talking out of nose. Just do a search for 'copyright infringement cases'. It's enough to scare you!
Here is an excerpt from the U.S. Copyright Office:
"...when a copyrighted work is reproduced, distributed, performed, publicly displayed, or made into a derivative work without the permission of the copyright owner."
And did you know that even if you do a project for charity or for free, you can still be sued?
I hope I have stressed it enough. Please do not take chances. It's just not worth it.
Now that the important copyright biz is taken care of...
As a cookier, you probably are wondering what my favorite websites I go to for various facets of cookie-ing.
These are not in any particular order. There are many more, I'm sure. But this will get you started.