Free virtual scavenger hunt for your sugar cookie business!
Who doesn’t like a good scavenger hunt, especially when it’s free?
Although these finds are all treasures, it is a scavenger hunt instead of a treasure hunt. Difference? A scavenger hunt involves different things to find along the way. A treasure hunt is one treasure at the end. This way is much more fun!
This free virtual scavenger hunt page explains all the valuable goodies that are found throughout the WeCookiers site. Presently, there are 8. If you join us as a free member of WeCookier’s, I intermittently give free things that may or may not be on this site.
If you would like to see what the WeCookier’s Express monthly periodical is all about, you can see it here: Free gift and periodical
Here we go…
Playing along with the free virtual scavenger hunt will uncover (7 in total) handy and valuable downloads, all for free:
-recipe download for the best sugar cookie recipe
-recipe download for my Superior Royal Icing recipe
-recipe download for a great Glaze Icing recipe
-royal icing tips and hacks download
-download ‘How to Price Decorated Sugar Cookies to Sell’
-download the recipe for the best velvety buttercream frosting for vanilla (or add your own flavors)
-download the recipe for the best dreamy chocolate buttercream
Right now, there are 7 on this page, ‘Free Virtual Scavenger Hunt’. But, there is 1 more you definitely will want. If you sign up to be a free WeCookier member, you will automatically receive a gift, a color mixing chart on how to mix the hard-to-find colors. This is certainly a favorite amongst cookiers, saving time and money.
I will continue adding free downloads with future pages. When I do, I will be adding them all here. So keep your eyes peeled!
This is all there is to it…
Simply follow these links that will take you to a site page. Somewhere on those pages, you will find the free downloads.
Don't worry about losing your place. I will make sure that each of these tabs open in a new tab for you.
Here are the links with the image of the download so you can’t miss them.
Of course, you have to have the best of the best sugar cookie recipe. You will not be sorry. This recipe caused my sugar cookie business to go absolutely crazy in all the counties around me and beyond. Everyone loves it that tries it.
This sugar cookie icing recipe is truly superior. It is not only delicious and durable, but it is also a soft-bite recipe when it dries. Soft-bite does not mean you can’t stack them or ship them. I often do. I love that you can freeze the leftover icing in an airtight container. It’ll last months on end like that! You can also use it over and again by freezing and re-freezing. A must!
Some cookiers either prefer or are under cottage laws that prevent them from using icing without egg or egg powder, which is meringue powder.
When I found this recipe, I was elated. This is a terrific recipe (not mine). I was impressed. The only thing I didn’t care for, is it doesn’t pipe stiff for flowers and such. But if you have to have a glaze, it’s worth it. You can always make flowers from fondant.
-Royal Icing Tips and Hacks download
This invaluable gift will give you an exhaustive list of everything to do or avoid when using royal icing. I’ve accumulated all of this knowledge by trial and error. Out of all of the downloads here on the Free Virtual Scavenger Hunt, this one is probably the most needed.
-Best vanilla buttercream frosting recipe
This American buttercream is simply good. It’s what I use on the professional cakes and cupcakes I make. But why am I including this on a cookie site?
Well…have you ever tried soft sugar cookies topped with buttercream? Um, like WOW!
I have certain customers who only want buttercream for their cookies, for due reason. This is super easy to make! You don’t have to stick with vanilla though. Hit it up with special flavors. You can’t ruin it.
-Dreamy Chocolate American Buttercream recipe
This one is easy because it’s on the same page as the vanilla buttercream! This frosting is IT for the chocolate lover!
-‘How to Price Decorated Sugar Cookies to Sell’
This download gets into the nitty gritty of what you should be charging for your works of art, according to your skill level and the advanced equipment you may or may not have. It’s easy to calculate with this printable worksheet.
-Wedding Sugar Cookies Order Form
After seeing how to sell wedding sugar cookies that involves, pricing, bagging, your time, dark colors, etc., you will want to grab this handy downloadable and printable form for taking cookie orders for your business.
All of this brings us to the last one. I hope you have enjoyed these downloads.
This list will show you how to whip up uncommon or elusive colors. There are 2 pages the download and can easily be printed off to hang at your workstation.
That’s it for the free virtual scavenger hunt. It was a fun little game that in turn helps you build a better cookie business. In clicking around the pages, I also hope your eyes feasted on other nuggets and pearls that will enable you to rise even higher. My very best wishes to you!
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